This is Akshay, Nice to meet you!

Hey there, internet traveller. You'll usually find me by username i-rebel-aj (i_rebel_aj too sigh!) on most platforms. Though my full name is Akshay Jain.

Since I have to be completely "professional" on linkedin, through this site, I want to communicate what I do, what things interest me and some random pictures of my life so far. Glad to know you traveller!

Find Me: [Github] [Twitter] [LinkedIn]

So about me

I am Akshay Jain, from New Delhi, India. I love building software, discussing computer science, finance and engaging with early stage startups. I thrive in the startup hustle, understanding business problem and seeing engineering changes in 0-1 scale. I obtained by Bachelors in Computer Science (2022) from Indian Institute of Information Technology, Guwahati.

Although primarily a backend engineer, I have a keen interest in Database Systems, Distributed Systems, Compiler Design, Web Servers and Low Level Hardware. I've been programming since 2012, got motivated by my dad who used to have fun with pretty simple codes himself. (Although, I am not sure writing buch of crappy HTML, with WYSWYG editors or building toy apps using C++ counts).

Besides Computer Science, you'll find me talking a lot about finance, some movies and if you got heart politics. I tend to spend some of my free time exploring Genshin Impact.

Besides Computer Science, you'll find me talking a lot about finance, some movies and if you got heart politics. I tend to spend some of my free time exploring Genshin Impact.


I am not sure how much I should mention here, since I've worked dominantly with startups. I've seen a LOT of companies close, often leaving me with nothing substantial to show off.


Well I Write blogs, I have lots in pending stage, hopefully will fix it soon. Meanwhile here have a look with the ones with decent views.

A Picture Gallery of my travel exp... I'll add it soon